Styles and Colors topic

Styling Text

One of the most popular usages of ANSI escape codes is to decorate text with different colors, styles, and backgrounds. This can be done using the SetStyles subtype of Escape and the Style class:

import 'dart:io';

import 'package:mansion/mansion.dart';

void main() {
    Print('Hello, World!'),
Hello, World!

Styles are in ~3 categories: colors, text styles, and resets.


Most modern terminal emulators support the full 24-bit color palette, which allows for a wide range of colors to be used. Use Style.foreground and Style.background to set the text and background colors, respectively:

SetStyles(Style.foreground(, Style.background(

The Color class provides a number of predefined colors, but you can also use the Color.fromRGB and Color.from256 constructors to define custom colors:

// Sets the foreground to green.
SetStyles(Style.foreground(Color.fromRGB(0x00, 0xff, 0x00)))
// Sets the foreground to color 30 in the 256-color palette, which is black.

If targeting a terminal with limited color support:

  • 4-bit color terminals support 16 colors. Use Color4 to select a color.
  • 8-bit color terminals support 256 colors. Use Color8 to select a color.

Text Styles

Text styles are used to change the appearance of text.

A subset of the available text styles are:

  • Style.bold: Bold text.
  • Style.italic: Italic text.
  • Style.underline: Underlined text.


Not all terminals support all text styles.

Resetting Styles

ANSI terminals have a default style that is used when no other styles are set, which is usually (but not always) a white foreground on a black background. During execution, style changes are cumulative, so if you set a foreground color to red, then set it to green, the text will be green until you reset the foreground color.

There are a few different types of resets available:

  1. Reset the foreground color: Style.foreground(Color.reset).

  2. Reset the background color: Style.background(Color.reset).

  3. Reset specific text styles:*:

    SetStyles(Style.noBoldOrDim, Style.noItalicOrFraktur, Style.noUnderline)


    There is not always a 1:1 mapping between the reset and the style. For example, the reset for Style.bold is Style.noBoldOrDim, which also resets Style.dim.

  4. Reset all styles: SetStyles.reset.


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Color Styles and Colors
Represents a color that can be used in ANSI escape codes, i.e. SetStyles.
Color24 Styles and Colors
A 24-bit RGB color.
Color8 Styles and Colors
An extended color palette that includes the base 16 colors and 240 more.
ColorReset Styles and Colors
A sentinel value that resets the current color to the terminal's default.
SetStyles Styles and Colors
Sets one or more text Styles.
Style Styles and Colors
A marker type that represents a style that can be applied to the terminal.
StyleBackground Styles and Colors
Style for setting the background color.
StyleForeground Styles and Colors
Style for setting the foreground color.
StyleReset Styles and Colors
Resets all styles to their default values.


Color4 Styles and Colors
The base 16 (4-bit) colors available on almost all terminals.
StyleText Styles and Colors
Represents an attribute that effects the style of the text.